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Hungarian Written Embroidery Workshop

Hungarian Written Embroidery Workshop

Workshop taught by Sarah Pedlow of Threadwritten Textiles Sunday, March 4, 10:00am – 3:00pm De Young Museum, Wells Fargo room

Admission: $125 includes class materials | Pre-registration is required |Open to TAC member plus one guest.

In this class you will learn the basic stitches of Hungarian written embroidery, a folk style that originated in Transylvania, Romania in the late 18th Century. Fun for beginners and experienced embroiderers, you’ll stitch a heart or tulip design on a piece of linen that you can later sew into a small bag, pin cushion, or decorative hanging or add to a quilt or clothing. You’ll also take home materials to create another embroidery as well as resources on Hungarian needlework and patterns. Sarah will share her knowledge of the culture and history of Transylvanian textiles and her travel experience in Hungary and Romania.

Sarah Pedlow owns Threadwritten Textiles. She researches and teaches ethnic embroidery techniques from central Europe. Sarah holds an MFA from Rutgers University and a BA in Studio Art and French Studies from Scripps College, Claremont, CA. Her fine art work has been exhibited in the U.S. and Europe.

For further information on Sarah and her work, here is a link to her website:

Pre-registration is required. Please use this form to reserve your place.

Send registration and payment to: Textile Arts Council de Young Museum 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive San Francisco, CA 94118



de Young aerial view

The Textile Arts Council is a curatorial support organization of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.

Textiles are displayed at the de Young Museum and at the Legion of Honor, which together form the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.

Legion of Honor museum

de Young Museum
50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive
Golden Gate Park
San Francisco CA 94118
Tue thru Sun, 9:30am — 5:15pm

Legion of Honor
100 34th Avenue
Lincoln Park
San Francisco CA 94121
Tue thru Sun, 9:30am — 5:15pm

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The membership of the Textile Arts Council elects volunteers to serve on the Textile Arts Council Board to govern the organization.

For inquiries or information, please contact our TAC administrator at (415) 750-3627.

You may also reach us via email

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