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May 2019 Basketry Workshop

A Colorful Hex Plaited Flower Basket Workshop

with Barbara Shapiro Saturday, May 4, 2019 Wells Fargo Room, de Young Museum

Admission: Workshop is open to members of TAC only, $100 including all weaving materials, pre-registration is required. The deadline to register is Friday, April 19, 2019.

The Art Basket phenomenon has deep roots in the Bay Area. Utilitarian flower arranging baskets have ties to Japan. Our own de Young Museum honors flower arranging with the annual Bouquets to Art event. You can learn to make a small basket to use with a few fresh or dried flowers in this workshop with Barbara Shapiro. You will explore flexible sturdy open weave hexagonal plaiting technique in colorful cane and create a small basket with one handle for hanging on the wall. Hexagonal structure can also be manipulated into many shapes and over woven in more cane or materials of your choice to create stunning sculptures or functional baskets. We will start out with a simple open hex weave stand for your iPad. After lunch, you will work creatively to create your own hanging basket. No previous experience necessary.

Students should bring the following supplies:

1 or 2 large sturdy paperclips About 10 Copper Micro Alligator clips smooth jaws, if you have them. I will have some on hand to lend. Jagged tooth alligator clips will not work. Clippers or scissors for cane Spray bottle if you have one Small Bucket or plastic bowl for water Medium towel to work on Measuring tape Optional: Flexible flat narrow materials of your choice to weave into the basket such as stiff ribbons or papers, dried plant materials, or found objects

Bring Lunch and beverage. (The Museum Cafe is an option, but it may be crowded.)

Barbara Shapiro is a weaver, dyer and basket maker with decades of experience. Her work is widely exhibited and published. She shares her love of textiles as an educator and as a writer for many publications. A specialist in indigo dyeing, she has devoted much of her art practice to basketry for the past 15 years, working in both coiling and plaiting often with indigo dyed elements.

Please download the registration form and return to reserve your place.

Send registration and payment to: Textile Arts Council de Young Museum 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive San Francisco, CA 94118

Image credit: Three Hanging Baskets, photo by Sharon Risedorph.



de Young aerial view

The Textile Arts Council is a curatorial support organization of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.

Textiles are displayed at the de Young Museum and at the Legion of Honor, which together form the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.

Legion of Honor museum

de Young Museum
50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive
Golden Gate Park
San Francisco CA 94118
Tue thru Sun, 9:30am — 5:15pm

Legion of Honor
100 34th Avenue
Lincoln Park
San Francisco CA 94121
Tue thru Sun, 9:30am — 5:15pm

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The membership of the Textile Arts Council elects volunteers to serve on the Textile Arts Council Board to govern the organization.

For inquiries or information, please contact our TAC administrator at (415) 750-3627.

You may also reach us via email

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